Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Jim Elliot Essay

Would you institute your life for something you believed in? Jim Elliot breathe give awayd trying to bring deal to Christ. This efficacy be all you know well-nigh this famous martyr, solely he didnt start out as a missional in Ecuador. Early on in life, Jims parents introduced him to many missionaries who sparked his by-line in mission fly the coop. In college, he became ever more concentrate on his goal of spreading the Gospel to the world. Finally, he went to the mission field where he began full-time missionary work. Passionate get alongers of Christ, want Jim Elliot, leave give everything they have, including their lives to reach others, scarcely as Christ did for us.Jim Elliots father had concerns nigh her sons safety device as a missionary in a foreign country, but Jim recalled that the item-by-item way his parents raised him had helped prepare him for this life. His unstinting parents let their children go al champion on camping trips for days, and sometimes rase weeks. Jim wise(p) many skills from these trips. They set aheadd their children to get jobs primordial in life. Wanting their children to be self-sustaining and independent, they gave them more freedom than most children had. Because of this independence, Jim subsequently felt comfort adapted going on his own to live in a foreign country.His camping experiences prepared him to be able to live without many creature comforts as he did in the jungles of Ecuador. As a three-year-old boy, Jim had many advantageous opportunities to interact with missionaries who were just coming plump for from the mission field. His parents would have them to dinner and Jim would charter them probing questions about their work. It was stated in Jim Elliot One Great Purpose, It was these visits that began to fire his young imagination with the importance and adventure of missionary life (Benge, 1999, p.17).As Jim grew into adulthood, his life was actively rivet on preparing for the mission field. While go to Bible college, Jim learned about becoming a missionary. He attended camps that prepare people to be missionaries. During college, Jim kept an informative, little journal on interesting facts about missionary life. Later, he began giving speeches to college students. Jim ardently told the students how unfair it was that the joined States had more missionaries and Christian resources than any other country.He stated, There was unrivaled Christian worker for every quintet hundred people in the United States while the rest of the world averaged 1 Christian worker for every 50 thousand people (Benge, 1999, p. 22). Using these facts, Jim hoped to encourage the students to become highly interested in being missionaries outside of the United States. after(prenominal) college, Jim began praying for a committed missionary partner. He reunited with different friends from college who shared his passion. Many of his partners neglect through, but nonethelesstually, after much praying and searching, he found someone devoted and apply to partner with.Now that Jim had a partner, he was finally ready to be a fully fledged missionary in Ecuador among the Quichua Indians. During that time, Jim was increasingly focused on his work. He did non even stop for marriage. Finally though, after victuals in South America for preferably a while, he did marry his college sweetheart, Betty Howard, honest there in Ecuador. They even had a child there. Jim and Betty lived out the verse in the Bible that says, But as for me and my household, we exit serve the Lord (New International Version, Joshua 2415).While in Ecuador, Jim learned of an isolated federation of tribes called the Aucas this was a tribe no one had been able to reach with the Gospel because they were so violent. Determined to reach them, Jim Elliot and his resolute partners go out to a remote berth called Palm Beach so they could recommend to the vicious tribe. They were only there for a few, short days before Jim and his partners were killed by the very people they were trying to reach. As Jim Elliot was facing death that fateful day, he put his hand on the take where he had a gun. He knew he would not use it though.Jim and his partners had made a solemn promise to each other, They would not kill those they came to share the gospel with in the name of Jesus Christ (Benge, 1999, p. 175). What causes a man to be willing to die for a cause? Most people do not set out to die, but people who passionately follow Christ surrender their will to wherever He will lead them. Therefore, they will be obedient to Christ even unto death. Even Jesus prayed, O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me til now not as I will, but as You will (KingJames Version, Matthew 2639). Jim Elliot develop a passion for Christ premature in life. As he grew into a man, his desire to be a missionary became his life focus. When he was finally able to do the Lords work in Ecuador , he was willing to give his life to do it. Even though he had a gun on him, Jim did not use it this showed that he was in truth ready to die for the Lord. There is so much to learn from Jim Elliots example, He is no fool who gives what he cannot clench to gain what he can not lose (Elliot, 1958, p. 108).

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